Justin Herrick

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Business News

IRS Plans Website to Track Stimulus Checks

Expect the 'Get My Payment' tool to launch on April 17.

Business News

Google Launches Coronavirus Website, Nothing Like Trump Promised

It serves as an online resource to understand the coronavirus outbreak, but Google's website isn't what the Trump administration described.

Business News

An Activist Investor Is Trying to Oust Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey

Elliott Management, led by billionaire Paul Singer, could take aim at Twitter as an activist investor and push co-founder and CEO Jack Dorsey out of the company.

Business News

Amazon Removing Fake Products 'Killing' Coronavirus

Sellers who advertise products claiming to treat or cure the coronavirus will see their listings pulled as Amazon tries reducing misinformation shared on its e-commerce platform.

Business News

Coronavirus Not Delaying Apple's iPhone SE 2, New iPad Pro, Analyst Says

Both the low-cost iPhone and the new iPad Pro should get announced sometime in March, according to analyst Ming-Chi Kuo. Factory closures caused by the coronavirus are unlikely to delay Apple's plans.

Business News

Instagram Tests Reverse-Chronological 'Latest Posts' Feature

If you're annoyed by Instagram's algorithmic feed, there's good news. Instagram appears to be testing a new feature that gathers posts and displays them in reverse-chronological order.

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